Towards the commented bestiary







(some interactive solutions)




Here are (as java applets, whose source belongs to Hiroki Mori) solutions of some problems of my bestiary (those for which static diagrams would be really not enough) ; click on the caption to see the complete presentation of the problem made in the bestiary proper.

I. Extraordinary life and death problems.


3. Under the stones (ishinoshita)

Problem 9 (Black to play and live)

4. Eye reduction (nakade)

Problem 8 : White to play and kill every black stone.

7. Most difficult classical problems

Problem 2 (no other stones on the board ; White to play and kill)

Other variations exists after the escape (for instance, Black can try to create weaknesses immadiately after move 42), but nothing seems to work. One will check easily than in this variation, on any other size of the goban than the standard 19x19, Black save his group...

The following problem (composed by Dosetsu) is the most dificult ever:
Problem 4 (Black to play and win the game)


Solution (main variation ; Black wins by 3 points)                       If White capture the 20 stones ...


If White trie to capture the upper right group instead of living ...                       Last, if White declines to capture the 20 stones...

II. Paradoxical tesujis and strange manoeuvres.


1. First line moves

Problem 4 : White to play and kill the NE group

6. Extraordinary moves played in real games

Shuwa against Gennan ; there appeared the "tesuji left unplayed"

The most famous game of Go history, and the ear-reddening move

What happens if Blck play the logical ko threat ?

IV. Semeais, sekis and pseudo-sekis

Problem 1 : Who wins the semeai?